Faculty Bodies
Student Parliament
About the Student Parliament
If you are a student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad and have questions about your education, you want to change something about it or participate in the realisation of projects, organisation of panels, debates, competitions in various fields, and other activities, you can contact the Student Parliament.
The Student Parliament is a body of a higher education institution, representing the interests and rights of students of the Faculty of Philosophy. Its objective is to help students overcome their problems and put ideas into action. It was created because of the need to increase the transparency of student organisation and to encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities. Parliament consists of 15 members, from different study groups and years of study.
Student Vice-Dean: Nemanja Vujić
contact: studentprodekan@ff.uns.ac.rs
Student Parliament President: Ivana Macak
Vice-Presidents: Milica Brzak
Secretary: Nina Aleksić
Email: stparlament@ff.uns.ac.rs
The Student Parliament of the Faculty of Philosophy organises regular sessions to discuss current problems and needs of students, changes and ideas regarding events at the Faculty and the University. The work of the Student Parliament is public, meaning that anyone who expresses a need is allowed to attend sessions and participate in discussions.
In order for the Parliament to act in accordance with its own purpose as a student body, it is necessary to have good communication with students and put in joint efforts to solve problems and initiate actions. As an intermediary body between the students and administration, the Parliament can assist in the easier and faster implementation of students' ideas, needs and requests. Therefore, it is advisable to build and maintain mutual trust, in order to have influence on the preservation and improvement of the student standard.
Parliament's seat is on the third floor of the Faculty of Philosophy in office 338, with Parliament members on duty from 10:00 to 14:00.
You can contact us by phone: +381 (0) 21 / 485-3992 or email stparlament@ff.uns.ac.rs.
Get involved, let's act together!