15KKKK3 - Biblical Literature

Course specification
Course title Biblical Literature
Acronym 15KKKK3
Study programme Comparative Literature with Literature Theory
Type of study first degree undergraduate academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 6.0 Status
      Condition Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal
      The outcome
      Contents of lectures
      Contents of exercises
      1. Sveto Pismo Starog Zaveta, prev. Đ. Daničić, Beograd, 1998. (Original title)
      2. Sveto Pismo Novog Zaveta, prev. komisije Sinoda SPC, Beograd, 1998. (Original title)
      3. Amfilohije Radović: Istorijski presjek tumačenja Starog Zavjeta, Nikšić, 1996. (Original title)
      4. N. Fraj: Veliki kodeks. Biblija i književnost, prev. N. Milić, D. Kujundžić, Beograd, 1985. (Original title)
      5. M. Radović: „Vreme i mudrost u Knjizi propovednikovoj”, Polja, Novi Sad, februar, 1979, br. 240, str. 22-26. (Original title)
      6. M. Miodragović: „Problem stradanja po Knjizi o Jovu”, Teološki pogledi, Beograd, 1985, br. 1-3, str. 133-141. (Original title)
      7. Z. Kosidovski: Biblijske legende, prev. D. Perović, Beograd, 1965. (Original title)
      8. Justin Popović: Tumačenje Svetog Evanđelja po Mateju, Valjevo, 1979. (Original title)
      9. Gospod govori: Sveti oci tumače Jevanđelje, Beograd, 2004. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      2 0
      Methods of teaching
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 30 Test paper 40
      Practical lessons Oral examination 30
      Vrh strane