Ambassadors Held Spanish Language & Cultural Diplomacy Forum


As part of the First Week of the Spanish Language in Serbia, a forum dedicated to the Spanish language and cultural diplomacy took place at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad on 25 April 2024. The participants were H.E. Ambassador of Argentina Mr. Osvaldo Marsico, H.E. Ambassador of Spain Mr. Juan Jose Sans Aparicio and H.E. Ambassador of Mexico Mr. Carlos Felix Corona. It was pointed out that the Spanish language is spoken by 600 million people around the globe today, that it is the language of Cervantes, Cortázar, García Márquez, Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, but also Maradona, Messi, flamenco, tango, mariachi and telenovelas. Before the forum, the exhibition "Sing, beauties" was opened, dedicated to Spanish women writers of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The exhibition will be available in the hall of the faculty until 15 May. Their Excellencies congratulated the professors and students of the Faculty of Philosophy on numerous activities that contribute to the spread of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in our region.


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