15KKKK6 - Concepts of Comparative Literature 2

Course specification
Course title Concepts of Comparative Literature 2
Acronym 15KKKK6
Study programme Comparative Literature with Literature Theory
Type of study first degree undergraduate academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 5.0 Status
    Condition Concepts of Comparative Literature 1 Oblik uslovljenosti
    The goal Understanding the meaning, the scope and significance of the comparison of literary texts from different cultures; developing a critical approach and awareness among students to the appropriate theoretical and historical texts relevant for the analysis of literary facts.
    The outcome Mastering the terminology of comparative literature and culture; learning the basic methodologies of literary studies from positivism to date
    Contents of lectures During the course, students will learn about the methods and techniques needed for the study of comparative literature, from history of the concept of comparative literature, analysis of literary themes, literary mediation, translation, influence, intertextuality, quotation, mutual illumination of the arts, imagology, narratology, genealogy, interdisciplinary studies, to the analysis of specific methodologies from the perspective of comparative literature (positivism, Geistesgeschichte, Russian formalism, new criticism, reception theory, psychoanalytical and archetypal criticism, structuralism and semiotics, post-structuralism, cultural studies, new historicism). In the seminars students will continue to question the different approaches to the study of comparative literature through reading of theoretical and literary texts from different traditions. Literary texts will be approached with an awareness of the wider cultural context of their production and reception. Special attention will be devoted to understanding of the Serbian comparative literature, as well as mastering the basic techniques of academic writing.
    Contents of exercises Analysis and interpretation of texts from the assigned reading list.
    1. Pregledni rečnik komparatističke terminologije u književnosti i kulturi, ur. Bojana Stojanović Pantović, Miodrag Radović, Vladimir Gvozden, Novi Sad, 2011. (Original title)
    2. Moderna tumačenja književnosti, Beograd, 1981. (Original title)
    3. Antoine Compagnon, Le Démon de la théorie (Seuil, 1998).
    4. Zoran Konstantivović, Polazišta, N. Sad, 2000 (pogl. „Šta su Srbi čitali čitajući Getea“, „Intertekst i alteritet“). (Original title)
    5. Raymond Williams, Literature, in Keywords, 1976; ; Roland Barthes, The Death of the Author, 1967;
    6. Sigmund Freud, Dostoevsky and Parricide, 1928; Yury Tynyanov, On Literary Evolution, 1927; Viktor Shklovsky , “Art as Device”, 1917;
    7. Tzvetan Todorov, The Poetics of Prose (1971)
    8. Oskar Walzel. The Mutual Illumination of Various Arts [1917]
    9. Walter Benjamin, “The Task of the Translator” [1923]
    10. Gvozden Eror, „Pojam posrednika u komparatistici“, Književna istorija, br. 102, 1997, 131-149. (Original title)
    11. Gerald Prince, A dictionary of narratology, 1987
    12. Vladimir Gvozden,Činovi prisvajanja: od teorije ka pragmatici teksta, N. Sad, 2005 (pogl. „Književna imagologija u perspektivi“, „Komparativna književnost i vizuelna kultura“); Književnost, kultura, utopija, Novi Sad, 2011 (pogl.“Priroda kritike u doba kulturalizma“, str. 85-103). (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    2 2
    Methods of teaching Monological, dialogical, text-method
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 10 Test paper
    Practical lessons 10 Oral examination 40
    Colloquia 40
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