15MKMK063 - Cognitive Theory of Metaphor

Course specification
Course title Cognitive Theory of Metaphor
Acronym 15MKMK063
Study programme Hungarian language and literature
Type of study first degree undergraduate academic studies
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 3.0 Status
      Condition Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal Acquaint students with the fundamentals of cognitive theory of metaphor. Application of the acquired knowledge in text analysis and comprehension. Study of the system of metaphorical expression on various language levels, in different types of texts, and in various language strata; mapping the web of functional strategies.
      The outcome Students are able to recognize the functioning of cognitive metaphors in every-day language use, in scientific register and in poetry. Students can approach the notion of metaphor on interdisciplinary level, and by discovering the connections between the levels of metaphorical strata they are able to comprehend the fact that language is a complex but cohesive universe.
      Contents of lectures Cognitive theory of language and cognitive grammar. The notion of cognitive metaphors. Cognitive metaphors and the linguistic image of the world. Cognitive metaphors in every-day life in science and in poetic language. The process of metaphorisation. Stylistic devices originating from metaphorisation. Cognitive metaphors in publicist texts. Slang and metaphors. Cognitive metaphors in advertisements. Cognitive metaphors in translations.
      Contents of exercises Examining metaphors in the every-day language of the press and in literary works. Collecting metaphorical expressions in various topical areas, compiling questionnaires and result analyses. Making and delivering presentations. Independent research.
      1. Kövecses Zoltán (2005): A metafora. Gyakorlati bevezetés a kognitív metaforaelméletbe. Budapest: Typotex (Original title)
      2. Kövecses Zoltán–Benczés Réka (2001): Kognitív nyelvészet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó (Original title)
      3. Tolcsvai Nagy Gábor (2011): Kognitív szematnika. Nyitra: Közép-európai Tanulmányok Kara (Original title)
      4. Fónagy Iván (é. n.): A költői nyelvről. Budapest: Corvina (Original title)
      5. Kemény Gábor (szerk., 2001): A metafora grammatikája és stilisztikája. Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      1 1
      Methods of teaching Presentation of theoretical topics in short lecture form. Students’ individual study using referential literature. Solving practical tasks – making a joint module – in groups of five. Presentations are delivered through visual programs and multimedia tools.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 10 Test paper 30
      Practical lessons Oral examination 20
      Colloquia 20
      Seminars 20
      Vrh strane