GO STYRIA RESEARCH GRANT summer semester 2024
GO STYRIA RESEARCH GRANT summer semester 2024 – call open now!
Go Styria is open for master and doctoral students as well as Post Docs interested in a short term research stay in the context of their master, doctoral thesis or Post-Doc research.
- Target region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey.
- Research period: max. 4 months in summer semester 2024, earliest possible start = February 2024
Candidates selected for the program will be given the opportunity for a research period at the University of Graz in order to then continue and conclude their studies / research at their home universities.
WHO can apply?
- who are enrolled at an accredited university in the target region currently as well as in 2023/24
- already working on their master or doctoral thesis
- who are academic staff members at an accredited university in the target region
- the completion of the doctorate should not be older than 1 year at time of application
Details on the program call are available on the program website
Your steps to becoming a grantee:
- check the program website to see if you are eligible to apply and for all other information
- master/PhD students: provide the relevant information for access to the application tool by 25 October 2023
- join us for an online info-session on 6 October 2023 or 17 October 2023, 1pm CET
Program coordinator Master/PhD: Mag. Christa Grassauer, Tel. 0316/380-1254, incoming.exchange@uni-graz.at
Program coordinator Post Docs: Mediha Ohranovic BA MA, Tel 0316/380-2214, staffmobility@uni-graz.at
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1 November 2023, 1pm CET